New song lyrics: Life Is For Living
Something New!
I've never posted new song lyrics on my blog, so this is something new for me. I wrote lyrics for a new song "Life Is For Living" during February 2021. I can hardly wait to play and record the song with my band mates. I have no idea if it will make the cut for the album we are working. Time will tell.
Life Is For Living
When I look back on the things I've done
I have to admit that I've done wrong
But I don't let that worry me none
Cause there's a day ahead and it's just begun
Life is for living
Yes life is for living
And I'm for living my whole life long
Thinking about some friends I've had
And how many times I've been stabbed in the back
But I can't' let that slow me down
Cause there's a day ahead and it's just begun
Life is for living
Yes life is for living
And I'm for living my whole life long
Reflecting back on the life I've led
On the women I've loved when it was a sin
I won't let that bury me now
Cause there's a day ahead and it's just begun
Life is for living
Yes life is for living
And I'm for living my whole life long
Come on people live for today
Yesterday's gone and it's gone to stay
I won't let that get me down
Cause there's a day ahead and it's just begun
Life is for living
Yes life is for living
And I'm for living my whole life long
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