Hanging Out at the Studios - 4-13-2014
I picked my red Fender American Standard Stratocaster and plugged it straight into my "very" modified Fender Blues Jr.
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The original midnight blue body (i.e. dark blue purple metal flake) is hanging on the wall. I bought a sweet body on Ebay and moved all of the hardware and the neck to the red body. I added Lindy Fralin Blues Special Pickups and modified the tone circuit (no tone on the neck, with tone control on the middle and bridge).
The Fender Blues Jr has a bunch of resister and capacitor changes, the power tube sockets were changed to octets with JJ 6V6S tubes (in place of the el84 tubes), a Mercury Output Transformer was added, and it was topped off with a Celestion G12H Anniversary speaker.
Until next time...
Enjoy the Music!
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