Anthony Wade Sr.-Where Does Love Go

My wife Robin and I went to see the movie Detroit.  All I can say is that the movie hit me hard.  So much injustice and bigotry.  What happened in Detroit in the mid 60s, continues to happen across the USA today.  We must all continue to work hard at shutting down racism, bigotry, the KKK and all white-supremacist and alt-right hate groups.  We must also work hard at stopping corrupt racist police from getting away with murder, not just for the people they assault and kill, by for all of the good police officers trying to do the right thing.     

One thing that hit me while watching the movie Detroit, was that someone who was a client of mine at my recording studios in Raleigh NC, and someone who I consider a friend, not a super close friend, but a friend, sang with the Dramatics before the group took off to fame.  He is Anthony Wade Sr.  Ron Banks (RIP), a co-founder of the Dramatics, was one of Anthony's close friends and his mentor 

I did not know about what members of the Dramatics went through during the 1967 Detroit riots and police murdering and beating people.  Having seen the movie Detroit I have a much deeper appreciation for Anthony Wade Sr. He is a great guy, and I am thankful to have met him, gotten to know him some, and to have recorded some of his music.
