FrankenTele has arisen again! Yes!

After more electrifying jolts and some fresh new body parts, the FrankenTele has risen again! Yes! Again! I have lost count, but FrankenTele has risen from the dead at least 8 times! For those who asked, here is a picture of the latest version of my FrankenTele. This one has a maple neck with a rosewood fret board. The body is African Mahogany with a stain mixture and finish that I concocted. The rosewood fret board and the mahogany body warmed the guitar up a lot. When it had the solid maple neck and pine body the guitar was a little too sparkly for my taste (but it was a sound that many country pickers love). The pickups are Lindy Fralin. Neck picku p - Lindy Fralin Blues Special Strat middle pickup. Puting it in the neck slot took out some of the treble spike that many Strats are notoriious for. It still has edge and bite, but no ice pick stuff comes out of it. Middle pickup - Lindy Fralin Pure PAF bridge pickup. Just...