Franken-Tele Rises Again!

Update: And here is the new incarnation of my Franken-Tele! I am rebuilding my franken-tele again with new parts. I think this will be the 6th swapping of parts for this franken tele. While the pine body was nice, it was a bit too twangy for me. I wanted a little deeper tone with less highs and more mids resonating in the guitar body; basically, a tele body without the tele sound. So, I found a nice tele body made out of African mahogony. I mixed two colors of oil based wood stain (neither one was mahogony) and did two coats, and sanded with 600grit wetdry sand paper after both coats. Then I mixed a little of the oil based stain with some clear oil based satin polyurethane. That was brushed on in two thin coats, allowing for complete drying between coats, and again sanding with 600 grit wetdry sand paper after each coat. It came out beautiful. I used the same stains on a pine body and got a completely different result with the final color on mahog...