
Showing posts from September, 2016

My Old Blues Jr Died

One of my favorite amps finally died.   Around 8 years ago, I picked up a used 2001 Fender Blues Jr for $300.  I modified that little amp until it was no longer a Blues Jr, with cap and resister changes, a Mercury output transformer, converted from 9-pin to octet tube sockets so I could run 6V6 tubes instead of the little EL84 power tubes, and finally a Warehouse Guitar Speaker ET65 speaker.   The sound was somewhere between a Fender and Marshall.  That little amp crunched with the best. I loved that little amp.   But, after 15 years of wear and tear, including eight years in my hands, the poor little amp finally bit the dust .  I have a couple of other amps, but they are either too loud or too heavy to bring to jam sessions and small venues.  The Marshall DSL40C amp is amazing.  Of course, I tweaked that amp a little by clipping one capacitor on the Ultra Gain, put in JJ KT66 power tubes, changed the pre-amp tube on the Ult...