
Showing posts from May, 2016

so, A Guy Walks Into A Studio - part 1

i think it was in 2013.  I was setting at my desk in my studios (Haggard Studios in Raleigh NC) doing some audio mixing work, when this guy walks into the studios.  Since I was not expecting anyone at that time I jumped up to see who the hell it was. The person introduced himself as a guitarist who had recently moved from Muscle Schoals Alabama to the Raleigh/Durham area of North Carolina, and that his name was Pete Carr. So, I showed him around the studios and we talked a little. Pete was very laid back and mellow, and i enjoyed chatting with him. After a while, we ran out of small talk and Pete said he had others things to do, so we shook hands and he left. After he left, I looked Pete up on google.  Holy freaking moly!  I had no idea who I had just met.  Pete was a lot more than a guy who had moved from Muscle Shoals to Raleigh/Durham and played guitar. Pete Carr is one of the greatest session guitarists of all time.  Pete is credited with play...

Wah Wah - Cry Me A River

For many years I had an old Cry Baby Wah.   It was an el-cheapo base model.  Imagine how surprised I was to open it up and find a "red fasel" inducter in the wah wah.  It was not supposed to have a red fasel, but it did.  Woohoo!   Anyway, because I love to tinker with electroincs, I modified the Cry Baby Wah Wah circuits to change the tone, added true by-pass, removed the buffer components and added an LED. The best part was the LED.  Do you know how much it SUCKS to not be able to "SEE" if your wah pedal is on?  If you don't, listen up.  It sucks a lot.  I loved that modded Cry Baby Wah Wah. Then, one day it died.  The input and output jacks in the plastic casings wore out.  Damn it.  I loved that pedal. Well, I did not feel like tinkering with the Cry Baby anymore, so I tossed its dead carcass in the trash. Meanwhile, a guitarist who played in a band I was in back in Raleigh North Carolina USA used a stock VOX...