Science Behind The Art - Post Production Mixing & Mastering

There is definitely an art behind post production mixing and mastering. There are subtle artistic nuances that different people will pick up on, secrets learned from others and secrets stumbled upon through experimentation and by accident. The tools you use, whether digital, analog, software, hardware, or a hybrid of everything, also play play a big role in how good you are at post production. Some tools will open a view into an amazing world, others will hold you back. Finding the right combination of tools is part science and part art, in and of itself. Yet, there is one key that overrides all of the art and the science of the tools. It is essential to master the "Science" of the "Musical Audio Frequencies" and the "Frequency Response of the Human Ear." While the field of science pertaining to audio frequencies and the human ear is vast and can seem overwhelming and daunting, I have found a few tools that make it easier to understand and ap...