
Showing posts from March, 2015

Clients! I Love Ya!

I was reminiscing about the journey over the past 2 1/2 years since Haggard Studios opened its doors, and decided to take a look at the recording projects we have done.  We have done all kinds of projects: recorded rehearsals in preparation for big shows recorded all instruments, together and individually for transfer to other studios recorded, mixed and mastered music for demos and press kits recorded, mixed and mastered music for album and single releases mastered (only mastering) for albums and single releases recorded spoken word for commercial voice overs and presentations recorded spoken word for audio books "Thank You" to the many recording clients who have ventured through our doors over the past 2 1/2 years. You have helped to make Haggard Studios the successful business that it is today (I apologize if I missed anyone). Thank You! 3 Click Go  John D Holeman Robin Williams AlbertCruz - Van Heaven Karim Rock Drop and Ro...

Talk About The Cool Side of Things - Social Mediology

I had the pleasure of meeting and working with Jay Izso, the man who wrote the book on "Social Mediology."  In fact, the title of his book is "Got Social Mediology - Using Psychology to Master Social Media for Your Business Without Spending a Dime." You might ask, "What does that have to do with music and a recording studio?"  Well, Jay is reading and recording his book at my studios for the release of an audio book.  Cool huh? One thing for sure, this book is a must read for anyone in the music business.  Why you ask?  Because people in the music business are "extremely" dependent on social media to connect with people, and you need to know how to do it right and do it well.  So, do yourself a favor and buy this book.  Go to Jay's website: It is Cool.... Jimmy

Still In The Running With The IMA

I got an email from the IMA (Independent Musicians Awards) today that blew me away.  You see, I think this is the first time I've ever heard news like this.  Several months ago I submitted music to the IMA. I have been so busy since then that I forgot all about it. Out of the blue, I received an email from the IMA telling me that my music had advanced through several rounds of judging and that it is still in the running! It would be amazing to advance again, but just to know that my music has already advanced through several rounds feels wonderful. Enjoy The Music! Jimmy