Surreal Dream and the Art Work Gyroscope Satellite Dish

I had a very surreal dream last night (this morning). There was a unique device placed over the water just offshore (I don't think it was a sea or an ocean; it seemed like a freshwater lake). The device looked like the combination of a work of art, a gyroscope and a satellite dish . It was a lot different than this pic, but you get the idea. There were four individuals who all looked basically the same (like twins), but they were different people, and they were standing in the water and were going into the water for awhile and coming back up. For some reason, I decided to swim out into the water. In a very short time I reached what looked like a small island, with a small cove. In the small cove, there was a platform with a small building on it. I climbed onto the platform and went inside (the front door was open). I entered a larger room (but not too big) and I found what looked like the art work gyro satellite dish. ...